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Greenrock Zeolite began as a company in the early 2000's after the owner retired as CEO and Safety Training Officer for one of the largest and highest grade Zeolite Clinoptilolite deposits in the United States.  He was so impressed with the wide variety of applications throughout the wide range of industries that he created

Greenrock Zeolite to bring quality products to the market. 

Health practitioners are becoming more aware of zeolite and the true potential and

capabilities of its role in holistic health care. 

Zeolite is considered the miracle mineral of the 21st century and new applications are continually being 

discovered and researched.  


Mineral Lab Ltd. conducted extensive testing and analysis and reported 

Greenrock Zeolite is the purest and most highly effective on the planet. Because of how it is formed, naturally occurring zeolites are rarely found in such a pure form and are often contaminated by varying degrees of minerals such as metals, quartz or clays. Using low-grade zeolites contaminated by other minerals can be detrimental to the results, which makes it extremely important to source high-purity zeolite that is suited 

to the specific applications.


The owner worked with a Geological Engineer to develop several proprietary blends of zeolite supplements 

that have helped treat and, in some cases, reverse a variety of health conditions in humans and animals. 

Each product has been formulated to exacting specifications to maximize effectiveness. 

Visit the product pages to find the products that are right for your needs. 

We at Greenrock Zeolite look forward to serving you!

Associate, distributor, and retailer enquiries welcome

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